languages de, en
  • Macroecology, modelling, community ecology and social-ecological system
  • Influence of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem functions
  • Relationship between biodiversity, nature's contributions to people and human well-being
  • Ornithology
  • since 09/24 Scientific Director of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
  • since 2010 W3 professor Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
  • since 2023 Member of the “German Council for Sustainable Development“
  • since 2023 Member of the Hochschulrat of the University of Kassel
  • since 2022 Member of the Advisory Committee of the UN-Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
  • since 2022 Speaker of “Fokusgruppe Biodiversität, Klima und Landnutzung” of Leopoldina
  • ...
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Change
  • Biodiversity and Health
  • Citizen Science (strategy and conceptual development, several citizen science projects)
  • Science-society-policy interface
  • Head of Department Ecosystem Services at UFZ and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
  • Professor of Ecosystem Services at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Lead author of IPBES and several ecosystem service assessments; Member of DFG German Committee for Sustainability Research (DKN/Future Earth); Member of Scientific Advisory Board Thünen Institute; Associate Editor of ‚People and Nature‘
  • Automated phytoplankton analysis as part of water quality assessment
  • Automated bioaerosol (e.g. pollen, fungal spores) and particulate matter analysis as part of air quality assessment
  • Pollen (Allergies and Pollination) as important part of plant-pollinator interactions
  • o Connection between pollen, particulate matter and the appearance of allergies
  • o Innovative, quick and exact methods to determine cell concentration
  • Working group leader and scientist at the Department for Physiological Diversity at the UFZ Leipzig and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
languages de, en Contact
  • Butteflies: Species, developement, distribution, endangering
  • Influence of landuse and climate change on butterflies
  • Butterfly Monitoring Germany: Coordination of the citizen-science project
  • Citizen Science: experience in setting up and running a Citizen Science project
  • The value of Citizen Science data for science
  • Scientist at the Department for Conversation Biology at the UFZ in Halle
  • Long term ecosystem research and monitoring of insects and birds in agricultural dominated landscapes
  • Pollinator monitoring
  • Data management, FAIR Data
  • Scientist at the Department Community Ecology at the UFZ Halle
  • Population ecology of vertebrates
  • Herpetology
  • national and international nature and species conservation
  • effects of climate change on vertebrates
  • Statistics, programming, and modelling
  • Detection dogs for species monitoring
  • PostDoc Scientist at the department of conversation biology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Working Group head WG Conservation oriented Population Ecology (COPE)
languages de, eng Contact
  • Influence of the characteristics of different species on interdependences between the species
  • Developing, testing and applying biodiversity theory to understand the effects of global change on plant communities
  • Ecosystem, theoretical and community ecology
  • Ecological stoichiometry, niche theory and mechanisms of coexistence
  • Head of the Department of Physiological Diversity at the UFZ Leipzig and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
  • Professor for Physiological Diversity at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
languages de, en
  • Impact of agricultural soil management on soil functions
  • Water and solute transport in soil
  • Soil structure/function relations
  • Modelling soil processes
  • Non-invasive imaging and quantification of soil structure including temporal dynamics
  • Head of Department Soil System Science at the UFZ Halle
  • Professor of „Soil Physics“ at Martin-Luther University Halle
  • Leader of the BonaRes Centre for Soil Research
languages de, en, ru Contact
  • biological invasions, biogeography
  • Effects of climate change and land-use on the biodiversity and the dynamics of ecosystems
  • Anthropogenic vegetation changes
  • Invasive species
  • Concepts of nature conservation
  • Until 7/2022 Head of Research Unit „Ecosystems of the Future“ and Head of Department of Community Ecology; now retired
  • Board Member of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ)
  • Board member, International Association for Ecology (INTECOL)
languages de, en Contact
  • Impacts of climate change and global change on the immigration and spread of alien plant species
  • Plant invasions and their effects on biodiversity
  • Analysis of land use patterns, environmental parameters on the distribution of plant species on a macro-ecological scale
  • Biological and ecological characteristics of invasive plants
  • Patterns and processes of plant diversity in urban areas
  • Vegetation Development of Alpine glacier forefields
  • Curator of the "Database of Biological and Ecological Traits of the Flora of Germany (BiolFlor)"
  • Since 7/2022 Head of the Department of Community Ecology at the UFZ Halle
  • Head of the Macroecology group at the UFZ Halle
  • Professor for Macroecology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Land Resource Management utilizing integrated simulation models
  • Global analysis of biodiversity and landuse
  • Effects of landuse on global agricultural markets
  • Coordination of international research projects
  • Since 7/2022 Head of the Research Unit "Ecosystems of the Future"
  • Head of the Department of Computational Landscape Ecology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Applied Landscape Ecology at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Spokesperson of the Helmholtz Research School ESCALATE (Ecosystem Services Under Changing Land-Use and Climate)
  • Above-belowground interactions, Rhizosphere interactions
  • Litter decomposition
  • Soil microflora
  • Interactions in the rhizosphere
  • Scientist at the Department Community Ecology at the UFZ Halle
  • Scientific coordinator oft he UFZ research station Bad Lauchstädt
  • Scientific coordinator oft he „Global Change Experimental Facility“ (GCEF) in Bad Lauchstädt
  • Ecology of Insects in Cultural Landscapes
  • Biodiversity, Land Use and Social-Ecological Systems
  • Inter- and Transdisciplinary Cooperation and Projects
  • Science-Society-Policy Interface
  • Impacts of climate and land-use change on biodiversity
  • Effects of reduced biodiversity on the resilience of ecosystems and humans (e.g. pest outbreaks, pandemics)
  • Head of the Department of Conversation Biology & Social-Ecological Systems at the UFZ Halle and Leipzig
  • Professor of Ecology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Coordinating Lead Author in the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC
  • Coordinating Lead Author in the IPBES pollination Assessment
  • Review Board of DFG (German Research Foundation) for the field of Agriculture, forest science and animal medicine: Ecology of agricultural landscapes
  • Member of the environmental expert panel of the German government
  • Influence of the European agricultural policy on biodiversity
  • Analyzation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its national implementation
  • Development of the german biodiversity strategy
  • Incentive systems for transformation of social-ecological systems
  • International and economic contexts and cooperation in the field of sustainable land use
  • Policy and governance of sustainable land use and biodiversity conservation in Latin America with focus on the Amazon and Peru
  • Knowledge transfer and scientific advice through the World Biodiversity Council IPBES and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC
  • Deputy head of the Department for Conversation Biology and Social-Ecological Systems at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Lead of the working group for the Governance of Biodiversity and Nature conservation
  • Lead of the Horizon Europe-Project “Reinforcing Science-Policy Interfaces for integrated biodiversity and climate knowledge and policies (RESPIN)”
  • Expert in the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
  • Co-Lead of the Task-Force for the Governance of Nature and Biodiversity in the “Earth System Governance” network
  • - Structures of aquatic ecosystems
  • - Chains of effects of hydrological extremes (Drought, flood)
  • - Modeling of aquatic ecosystems
  • - Analysis of environmental systems
  • - Integrated management of water resources
  • - Local, national and global perspective
  • - Interface Science-Politics
  • - Head of Research Unit „Water resources and environment“
  • - Head of Department of aquatic ecosystems and management at the UFZ Magdeburg
  • - Professor of aquatic ecosystems and -management at the University of Dresden
  • - Scientific advisor of the World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA)
  • Effects of human stressors and hydrological extremes on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
  • Response of freshwater food webs to stressors across geographical scales
  • Scientist at the Department River Ecology at the UFZ Magdeburg
  • Head of the research ‘Food web ecology’ at the UFZ
languages de, en Contact
  • Groundwater-surface water interactions
  • The dynamics of water and matter fluxes in catchments
  • Simulation and prediction of matter and solute exports from the landscape
  • Interplay between hydrologic dynamics and biogeochemical processes
  • Landscape water balance
  • Head of the Department of Hydrogeology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor of Hydrological Modeling at the University of Bayreuth
  • Speaker of the integration platform “Freshwater Resources” at UFZ
  • Member of the „Groundwater Technical Committee“ of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)
languages de, en Contact
  • Analysis and modelling of changes tot he regional water cycle
  • Extreme hydrological events such as floods and drough
  • Better models to predict future water availability in regions of water scarcity on the basis of less data
  • Regional monitoring and process analysis
  • Hydrology of (semi) arid regions
  • Head of the Department of Catchment Hydrology at the UFZ Halle
  • Professor for Catchment Hydrology at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Spokesperson fort he „Water Scarcity“ integrated Project in the Helmholtz „Terrestrial Environment“ programme
languages de, en Contact
  • data-driven analysis and modelling approaches to water quality and quantity on catchment scale
  • Variability of nutrient and pollutant concentration in surface waters
  • Travel time of water in catchments
  • Water balance and groundwater recharge
  • urban groundwater
  • Scientist at the Department Hydrogeology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Influence of microorganisms on geochemical processes in lakes
  • Interaction between bacteria and plastic
  • Microplastic in lakes
  • Scientist at the Department Lake Research at the UFZ Magdeburg
  • Group Leader Lake Microbiology
languages de, en
  • Ecology of lake ecosystems
  • Monitoring and modelling tools for water managers
  • Developing management strategies for water resources management, particularly for reservoirs and lakes
  • Threats to Lakes and resevoirs: eutrophication, algal blooms, oxygen depletion, pollution
  • Climate change impacts on surface waters and aquatic ecosystems
  • Head of the Department of Lake Research at the UFZ Magdeburg
  • Professor of Management and modeling of lakes at the University of Cottbus-Senftenberg
  • The effects of climate change on (ground)water resources
  • interactions of ground- and surface water bodies (lakes, rivers and oceans)
  • Localizing and characterizing of groundwater movement and reactions
  • Conceptual and numerical modelling
  • Expertise concerning quantity and quality of groundwater in (semi-)arid regions (Middle East) and Germany
  • Scientist at the Department Catchment Hydrology at the UFZ Leipzig
languages de, en
  • Ecological status and protection of aquatic ecosystems, esp. running waters and their riparian zones
  • Effects of stressors (e.g., climate change, morphological alterations, nutrients, toxicants) on inland waters
  • Restoration of running water ecosystems
  • Contribution of inland waters to biodiversity
  • The functioning of running water ecosystems
  • Head of the Department of River Ecology at the UFZ Magdeburg
  • Professor for Applied Ecology of Running Waters at the Dresden University of Technology
  • President of the German Limnological Society (DGL)
  • Mixture toxicity assessment for complex environmental exposure
  • Bioassays for toxicant identification at multiple contaminated sites
  • Mode-of-action analysis for toxicants
  • Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) models to mechanistically describe concentration and time dependent toxicity
  • Until 9/2024 Head of Evaluation
  • 7/2022 - 9/2024 Scientific Director of the UFZ
  • Until 7/2022 Head of the UFZ-Research Unit „Chemicals in the Environment“ and Head of the Department Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor at the Institute for Environmental Research at the RWTH Aachen University
  • Member of the scientific board „Nationaler Aktionsplan zur nachhaltigen Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln“
languages de, en Contact
  • Chemical analysis for the purposes of identifying and quantifying organic compounds in water, sediments and biota
  • Fractionation techniques for the separation of complex mixtures and their integration in biotesting methods in order to determine impact
  • Understanding exposure in natural systems and ecotoxicological test systems
  • Since 7/2022 Head of the Research Unit "Chemicals in the Environment"
  • Head of the Department of Effect-Directed Analysis at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Biological Sciences at the Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main
languages de, en Contact
  • Evaluation of potential (eco)toxicological effects of engineered nanomaterials
  • Scientist at the Department for Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Identification of Chemicals which cause environmental risks
  • Methods for initial hazard screening and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, disinfection by-products and persistent organic pollutants with an emphasis on mixtures
  • Closing the gap between exposure and impact assessment through a better understanding and modeling of the toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic processes
  • Development of tools for passive sampling as well as dosing and high throughput bioanalytical tools for environmental monitoring
  • Head of the Department of Cell Toxicology
  • Professor of Environmental Toxicology at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen
  • Lecturer at ETH Zürich
  • Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland and adjunct professor at Griffith University
  • Member of the German Science Council
  • Member of the Board of Reviewing Editors (BORE) at Science
languages de, en Contact
  • physical and chemical properties of modern organic chemicals (pesticides, pharmaceuticals)
  • understanding and modelling chemicals in organisms (especially uptake, distribution and elimination)
  • Ionisable Chemicals
  • Performance of sniffer dogs and their importance in court hearings
  • Head of the Department of Analytical Environmental Chemistry
  • Professor for Analytical Environmental Chemistry at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Member of the Advisory Board for the „Environmental Science and Technology“ journal
languages de, en Contact
  • Elucidating the effects caused by pollutants which enter the environment and disrupt ecosystems and affect human health using bioinformatics
  • Development of new bioinformatics, systems biology, and data science procedures and integration into the methodological approaches of environmental health research
  • Development of predictive methods using artificial intelligence
  • Head of the Department of Computational Biology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Computational Biology at the University of Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • Influence of environmental exposures on the modulation of immune responses and the development of allergic diseases in prospective birth cohort studies
  • Regulation of immune cell activity by environmental contaminants with focus on mucosal-associated invariant T cells
  • Impact of disturbed T cell function on the development of health outcomes
  • Scientist and group leader at the Department Environmental immunology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • PI of the LINA (Lifestyle and environmental factors and their Influence on Newborns Allergy risk) study
languages de, en
  • Mixtures of chemicals in the environment
  • Environmental weathering and fate of plastics
  • Tools to assess environmental and human health
  • Head of the Department Exposure Science at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Exposome Analytics at the RWTH Aachen
  • Long-term effects of multiple stress from toxicants and other stressors in ecosystems
  • Development of bioindicators fort he display of pollution and ecological effects in rivers
  • Development of models for risk assessment
  • Head of the Department System-Ecotoxicology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for System-Ecotoxicology at the Technical University Aachen
languages de, en Contact
  • Influence of environmental chemicals on the function of cells of the innate immune system, especially mast cells
  • Influence of chemical pollutants / mast cells on relevant pregnancy-associated processes, with focus on physiological transformation of spiral arteries
  • Role of environmental chemicals as risk factors in the development of mast cell-associated diseases such as allergies or vascular diseases
  • Knowledge transfer: systematic and target group specific
  • Scientist at the Department Environmental Immunology at the UFZ Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • - The role of environmental pollutants as risk factors for immune diseases (for example asthma or arthritis), overweight or behavioural problems with a particular focus on the impact of maternal exposure to environmental pollutants and the disease development in the offspring
  • Scientist and Deputy Head of Department at the Department for Environmental Immunology at the UFZ Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • Development of analytical techniques for trace contaminants in water, soils and biota
  • Tracking trace substances in natural and technical systems (incl. water cycle)
  • Understanding transformation processes in the environmental and in biota
  • Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Leipzig
  • Member of the Board of the German Water Chemistry Society
languages de, en Contact
  • Effects of pre- and perinatal exposure to environmental chemicals on pregnancy/birth and the health development of the offspring
  • Disruption of the immunological and endocrine balance by environmental chemicals
  • Use of in-vitro and in-vivo models to identify and characterize environmental risk factors in disease development
  • Senior Scientist and Deputy Head of Department of Environmental Immunology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Head of the Laboratories of the Environmental Immunology in the Saxonian Incubator for Clinical Translation (SIKT)
languages de, en Contact
  • Alternative testing systems in Toxicology
  • Use of zebrafish embryo model for an integrative mechanism-linked assessment of chemical effects and bioanalytical assessment of environmental samples
  • Adverse outcome pathways (AOP)
  • Data analysis automation workflow, particularly for zebrafish embryo assays
  • Scientist at and acting head of the Department for Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Influence of environmental factors (long-lasting chemicals and viruses) on placenta functionality and development of pregnancy-associated disorders
  • Understanding the role of placenta in developmental programming of chronic disorders
  • Establishment of 3D cell culture models of placenta as a an alternative method to assess chemical safety in pregnancy
  • Scientist at the Department Environmental Immunology at the UFZ Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • Adaptations of aquatic organisms to environmental stress
  • Cellular mechanisms that control the uptake of chemicals and their interactions with environmental contaminants
  • Establishing experimental tests to investigate the interactions of environmental chemicals with cellular defensive mechanisms
  • Scientist at the Department for Bioanalytical Ecotoxology at the UFZ Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • Cellular response mechanisms towards environmental pollutants with a focus on molecular pathways
  • Systems Biology based approaches using proteomic and metabolomic techniques in cells, tissue and on the systemic level
  • Characterisation of environmental exposure scenarios
  • Analysis of structure and functions of microbial communities by proteomic and metabolomic techniques
  • Development of mass spectrometry based methods for quantitative and qualitative meta-proteomics of bacteria
  • Head of the Department of Molecular System Biology at the UFZ in Leipzig
  • Professor for Functional Proteome Analytics at the University of Leipzig
  • Reproductive immunology
  • Hormone caused changes of Immune cells
  • Effects of Environmental chemicals on the health of mother and fetus
  • Head of the Department of Environmental Immunulogy at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for paediatric environmental epidemiology/immunology at the University of Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • anaerobic microbial processes to develop biotechnological applications from basic understanding to pilot scale
  • Molecular aspects
  • Co-Head of the Department of Environmental Biotechnology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Geobiotechnolgy at the Institute for Biotechnology of the TU Berlin
  • Application of surface adhered microbes
  • Use of microbial photosynthesis for the production of value added compounds and energy carriers using CO2, sunlight and water
  • Efficient and sustainable production of white hydrogen as a technology complementing green hydrogen production via renewable energy driven electrolysis
  • Head of the research group ’Catalytic Biofilms’ at the Department Environmental Microbiology, UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Technology of productive Biofilms at the Technical University Dresden
  • Chairwoman of the Scientific- technical Council of the UFZ
  • - Ecology and ecophysiology of microbial communities involved in ecosystem services such as the conversion of pollutants and biomass in soil, water and technical systems
  • - Microbiological diversity in both technical and natural environments
  • - design of biotechnological procedures which are based on complex microbiale communities and exploit ecological principles
  • - SARS-CoV-2 waste water monitoring
  • - Head of the UFZ Research Unit „Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology“
  • - Head of the Department „Environmental Microbiology“ at UFZ Leipzig
  • - Professor for Environmental Microbiology at the University of Leipzig
  • - Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology
languages de, en
  • Combination of electrochemistry and microbiological methods
  • Energy from waste water
  • Developement of new electrobiotechnological processes
  • Power-to-chemicals and power-to-fuels
  • Electroactive microorganisms
  • Sustainable electroorganic synthesis
  • Group leader at the Department for Environmental Microbiology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Electrobiotechnology at Leipzig University
  • President of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology
languages de, en, nl Contact
  • Elucidation and application of fundamental mechanisms of bacterial stress tolerance and establishment of novel Pseudomonads as a biocatalytic platform
  • Degradation of xenobiotic compounds such as herbicides in the presence of naturally occuring environmental conditions
  • Adaptation of bacteria to toxic organic solvents to allow the performance of two-liquid-phase biotransformations for the econimically sound production of fine chemicals
  • Development of lipids as biomarkers
  • Application of isotope techniques to investigate the interactions of plants with microbes in contaminated soils
  • Investigation of bacterial adaptation to cellular stress on the level of membranes, surface properties, and energetics. Bioengineering of contaminated sites to accelerate bioremediation
  • Scientist at the Department for Environmental Microbiology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Head of the group “Microbial Processes”
languages de, en Contact
  • Analysis of microbial compound turnover in complex environments
  • Microbial degradation potentials and in situ activity
  • Metabolic flow in environmental systems
  • Chemical and microbial ecology in soils, sediments, and groundwater
  • Co-head of the Department of Environmental Biology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor of Microbiology at the University Leipzig
  • Diversity, Evolution, taxonomy and functions of viruses in environmental systems
  • SARS-CoV2 Monitoring in Sewage
  • Scientist at the Department for Microbiology at the UFZ Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • Developement of new processes and materials for the removal of pollutants from water, with an emphasis on in situ
  • Combination of sorptive enrichment and chemical pollutant degradation
  • Environmental catalysis
  • Development of new and optimization of existing technological methods for removal of halogenated pollutants from water (from chlorinated solvents to per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances - PFAS)
  • Acting Head of the Department of Environmental Engineering at the UFZ Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • The role of biogeochemical processes in the functionality of sustainably managed ecosystems
  • Environmental monitoring (claims, historical contamination, remedial work on historical contamination)
  • Use of high-resolution imaging techniques (SIMS) in combination with stable isotope and chemical analytics as indicators of biogeochemical processes
  • Biogeochemistry of Heat and Energy storage in the subsurface
  • Head of the Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Head of the technology platform “ProVIS - Centre for Chemical Microscopy“ at the UFZ” for the visualisation of biochemical processes at cellular level
  • Development of resource-efficient urban city districts in the context of climate-resilient urban planning
  • Development and implementation of multifunctional BlueGreen water infrastructures
  • Decentral wastewater treatment and management
  • Implementation research to optimize the water sector in developing and emerging countries in water-scarce regions
  • Integrated (waste) water resource management
  • Head of the Centre for Environmental Biotechnology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Honorary Professor for Integrated Water Resources Management at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences
  • Appointed member of the federal advisory board of DWA, speaker of the working group “Decentralized Wastewater Systems for Emerging and Developing Countries”
  • Vice Chairman oft The Board at the Training and Demonstration Centre for Decentralized Sewage Treatment (BDZ e.V.)
  • Appointed member of the National Implementation Committee for Effective Decentralized Wastewater Management of Jordan
  • Development and use of microorganisms as living biocatalysts
  • Catalytic biofilms
  • Solar materials
  • Systems biotechnology
  • Integrated bioprocess development
  • Head of the Department of Solar Materials at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Biotechnology at the University of Leipzig
languages de, en, fr, es Contact
  • Ecology and bioavailability of contaminant biotransformation
  • Subsurface transport of microorganisms
  • Mycosphere ecology and mycoremediation
  • fungal bacterial interactions
  • Prediction of soil microbial pesticide degradation potential at field scale:
  • Electrokinetics and electrobioremediation
  • Head of group and deputy head of department at the Department for Environmental Microbiology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Chair of the UFZ Integration Platform 'Tapping nature's potential for sustainable production and a healthy environment'
  • Forest structure and its implications for carbon ballance, diversity and sensitivity against climate change of forest systems.
  • Forest models
  • Remote sensing: linking remote sensing and ecological modelling
  • Agent-based models
  • Scientist at the Department Ecological Modelling at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Design and generation of spatially distributed multiscale forecasting models, their parametrisation and the evaluation of model and parameter uncertainties on model forecasts
  • Multi Scale Terrestrial Systems
  • Modelling Flow and Transport in Surface- and Subsurface Hydrology
  • Multiscale Modelling, Stochastic Modelling and Geostatistics
  • Head of the UFZ Research Unit „Smart Models and Monitoring“
  • Head of the Department of Computational Hydrosystems at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Mathematical Hydrology at the University of Potsdam
  • Member of the steering group of the "Center for Advanced System Understanding CASUS"
languages de, en, fr
  • Exploring dynamics of socio-environmental resource systems under uncertainty
  • Effects of agri-environmental policy instruments and for coping with climate risk on socio-environmental systems
  • Adequate representation of human behaviour in land-use models
  • Scientist at the Department Ecological Modelling at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professorship for Modelling of Human-Environment Systems at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
  • Head of working group POLISES (POLicy Instruments and Socio-Environmental Systems under global change)
  • Effects of global change and climate change on vegetation using remotely sensed information via land-use classification / land-use change, deriving vegetation dynamics (phenology) and land-use intensity in grasslands
  • Monitoring forest condition at the national level
  • Scientist at the Department Remote Sensing at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Head of working group Land-Cover & Dynamics (LACY) at the UFZ
languages de, en Contact
  • Ecological models to spread harmful organisms in animal populations
  • Scientist at the Department Ecological Modelling at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Head of the working Project group Ecological epidemiology Epidemiology (EcoEpi) at the UFZ
  • Member of the Plant Health Panel Commission Animal welfare of t he European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
  • Reactions of the forests of the future on climate change
  • Predictions on the future developement of forests
  • Scientist at the Department Ecological Modelling at the UFZ Leipzig
languages de, en, pt Contact
  • Environmental impacts of resource exploitation activities of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons, solid energy and mineral resources.
  • NORM substances; radiochemistry and radiation protection
  • Procedures for indoor radon protection
  • Heat storage and remediation of urban groundwater bodies
  • Water resource management of subtropical areas
  • Scientist at the Department Environmental Informatics at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Honorary Professor at the University of Tübingen
  • Member of the scientific-technical board “Water management” at LMBV and a member of the German Academy of Geosciences and Geotechnologies
  • Member of the Expert commission „Fracking“
languages de, en Contact
  • Development of mathematical and simulation models
  • Modelling of ecological and social-ecological systems
  • Assessment of impacts of climate and land use change on the structure, dynamics, functions, and stability properties of terrestrial, aquatic and microbial systems
  • Assessment of impacts of social and institutional change on human-nature-systems
  • Head of the Department of Ecological Modelling at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Ecological Modelling at the University of Osnabrück and Member of the Management Board of the Institute for Environmental Systems Research at UOS
  • Co-Chair of the Integration Platform ‘Robust Pictures of the Future’ at the UFZ within the POFIV Helmholtz Program ‘Changing Earth – Sustaining our Future’
  • Full Member of the iDiv – German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig
  • Co-Chair of the sDiv Board and Member of the Science Strategy Board of iDiv
  • Member of the Selection Panel of the PhD Fellowship Program of the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the Open Modeling Foundation (OMF of Future Earth)
languages de, en, es
  • Regional to global Hydrological modeling
  • Monitoring and forecasting of droughts and floods (HS2S, ULYSSES)
  • Lead developer of the mHM model
  • Co-developer of the UFZ Drought Monitor (Germany)
  • Climate predictions of hydro-meteorological extremes
  • Deputy head of the Department of Computational Hydrosystems (CHS) at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Group leader of the Stochastic and Land Surface Hydrology Group at CHS
  • Professor for Data Science and Hydrology at the University of Potsdam
  • Drought monitoring
  • Regional climate change, impact analysis and adaption
  • Hydrological modelling
  • Dialogue with decision makers
  • Scientist at the Department „Computational Hydrosystems“ at UFZ Leipzig
  • Head of Climate Office for Central Germany
  • Head of German Drought Monitor
languages de, en Contact
  • Estimation of high-resolution land surface water and energy fluxes from satellite observations
  • Investigation of hydrological and climatic extremes as well as their impacts on ecosystems
  • Assimilation of remote sensing data into climate and land surface process models
  • Quantification of climate change impact on water resources
  • Head of the Department of Remote Sensing at the UFZ in Leipzig
  • Professor for Hydrology and Remote Sensing at the University of Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • Development and evaluation of measurement and monitoring methods from geophysics, hydrogeology and geotechnology for the efficient, high-resolution investigation of the subsurface
  • Remote sensing methods and sensor networks
  • Head of the Department of Monitoring and Exploration Technology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Environmental and Engineering Geophysics at the University of Tübingen
languages de, en Contact
  • Understanding and modeling of compound climate and weather events
  • Prediction of heat waves, storms, droughts and their effects
  • Head of the Department Compound Environmental Risks (CER) at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor (W3) for Data Analytics in Hydro Sciences, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, TU Dresden
languages de, en Contact
  • Economic analysis of agri-environmental policy
  • Economic nonmarket valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Agent-based modelling
  • Scientist at the Department Economics at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Head (jointly with UFZ-scientist Dr. Andrea Kaim) of junior research group AgriScape at the UFZ
languages de, en
  • Perception of environmental risks, including socio-psychological as well as institutional, economic-political and cultural factors
  • Assessment of environmental risks (e.g. flooding, droughts) with a focus on social vulnerability and community resilience
  • Risk management
  • Scientist at the Department Urban and Environmental Sociology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Environmental Risks and Sustainability at the University of Potsdam
  • Working Group Leader "Environmental Risks and Extreme Events" at the UFZ
languages de, en Contact
  • Processes at the interface between science and policy at a national an international level in the fields of climate change, biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainable development
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies (nature-based solutions)
  • Economics of biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Sustainability reporting by businesses and national level (related to accounting of biodiversity and ecosystem services)
  • Nature-based options for mitigation of carbon emissions and carbon storage (negative emissions)
  • Net-zero strategies
  • Scientist at the Department for Environment and Society at the UFZ Leipzig
languages de, en Contact
  • Economic key issues of climate change / environmental impacts of energy transition
  • Instruments for environmental, climate & sustainability policies
  • Water resources management, especially water-related prices and charges
  • Head of the Department Economics at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Economics at the University of Leipzig and director of the Institute for Infrastructure and Resources Management
  • Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • Publicly Certified Expert (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Frankfurt am Main) for Cost Accounting of Public Enterprises
  • Sociological analysis of the energy transition, especially wind and geothermal heat
  • Ignorance, uncertainty, and risk
  • Public awareness and perceptions of environmental innovation
  • Head of the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology
  • Professor of Environmental Sociology at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
languages de, en
  • Economic evaluation of ecosystem services
  • Management of environmental resources with environmental policy instruments
  • Head of the UFZ Research Unit „Environment & Society“
  • Head of the Department of Economics at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Economics, especially Environmental Economics at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Chairman of the Federal Environment Agency’s Soil Protection Commission (KBU) Chairman of the Academy for Regional Development in the Leibniz Association - ARL
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of ZALF
  • Member oft he Commission for social and ecological issues oft he German’s Bishop Conference
languages de, en Contact
  • Interdependencies between natural, social and built environment
  • Spatial consequences of demographic change
  • Urban vulnerability and climate change
  • Potentials and challenges of large housing estates
  • International comparative case studies about urban development and socio-spatial differentiation
  • Head of the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology till 31.3.2022
  • Honorary Professor for Social Science at the University of Leipzig
  • Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe till 31.12.2021
  • Chairwoman of the Leipzig Geographical Association
  • European and national environmental law focusing on the legislation governing water, nature conservation, industrial pollutions, hazardous substances
  • Environmental constitutional law
  • Renewable energy law
  • Urban planning law; spatial planning law
  • Head of the Department of Environmental an Planning Law at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for Environmental Law at the Faculty of law at the University of Leipzig
  • Member of the Board at the Institute for Environmental and Planning Law
  • Member of the German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU)
languages de, en Contact
  • Environmental discourse analysis
  • Discursive agency, circular economy and bioeconomy
  • Transnational business gouvernance
  • Combining social and environmental science with expertise from policy, practice and the wider public
  • Head of the Department of Environmental Politics at the UFZ in Leipzig
  • Professor for Environmental Politics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
languages de, en
  • Economic evaluation of instruments for environmental, climate and energy policy
  • Renewable energies, focus on wind energy
  • Conflicts in energy transition
  • Political strategies to solve conflicts in energy transition
  • Scientist at the Department Economics at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Assistant Professor for Environmental and Energy Economics at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Sustainable developement of cities and urban transformation
  • Social scientific research in urban ecology
  • Concepts and theories for cities
  • Urban Governence, social movements and protest
  • Scientist at the Department Urban and Environmental Sociology at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Honorary Professor at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Political advice in climate protection
  • Economic aspects of climate adaptation
  • Management of natural hazards
  • Environmental liability and insurance
  • Scientist at the Department Economics at the UFZ Leipzig
  • Professor for international environmental economics at the Viadrina University Frankfurt (Oder)
languages de, en Contact
  • Nature conservation and agri-environmental law
  • Law of soil conservation
  • Law on water management
  • Environmental planning law
  • Tax legislation and financial law
  • Scientist at the Department of Environmental and Planning Law
  • Together with Julian Rode Head of IP-TB6 Projekt 6.1 „Governing transformations towards sustainable agrifood systems“
  • Concepts for a sustainable, decentralised energy supply system
  • Interactions between sources of renewable energy, technical options for using them and understanding how these align with the environment and society
  • Simulation
  • Sustainable production and use of biomass
  • Head of the Department of Bioenergy at the UFZ in Leipzig
  • Head of the Bioenergy Systems Department at the German Biomass Research Centre (DBFZ) in Leipzig
  • Professor for Bioenergy Systems at the University of Leipzig
  • Member of the Bioeconomy Council (since 2012)
  • Member of the Energy Council for Saxony